6 Dental Appliance Cleaning Hacks for Improved Oral Health

A bright smile boosts your confidence, but having well-maintained oral appliances plays a vital role in maintaining that smile. Your appliance will serve you better and last longer with proper care. Whether it’s a mouthguard, partial or full dentures, or a set of braces, efficient dental appliance cleaning habits enhance your oral health. Let’s explore some cleaning hacks of oral appliances. 

Dental Appliance Cleaning Tips

When it comes to cleaning and maintaining your dental appliance, here are effective tips. 

  • Avoid Using Toothpaste 

Although it can be tempting to use toothpaste, remember that your appliances and teeth are made of different materials. Toothpaste is infused with grainy particles to scrab food debris and plaque off your teeth. These products are abrasive, and your enamel can withstand them.

However, your plastic oral appliance is softer, and the grainy particles in toothpaste can cause scratches. Creating dents on the appliances will collect bacteria, eventually causing discoloration and unpleasant odors. 

  • Don’t Use Bleaches

Some people might feel that bleaching their appliances will keep them sparkling and kill bacteria. On the contrary, bleaches break down the materials and do not last long. Your gadget can also absorb bleach odors which are strong to keep in your mouth. 

  • Don’t Boil the Appliance

Like bleaching, boiling an oral gadget won’t kill bacteria but destroy the material. Besides, a dentist molds an appliance that snuggly fits in your mouth. Heat distorts plastic and will ruin its original shape. Losing that fit means losing your comfort and the functionality of the appliance. In the case of clear aligners, they’re designed to move your teeth in a controlled manner. Boiling the appliance can lead to misalignment. 

  • Use a Specific Brush 

A toothbrush has stiff bristles, which are ideal for enamel but unsuitable for oral gadgets. Use a nailbrush or a soft toothbrush to clean your appliance. There are also brushes explicitly designed for cleaning aligners and dentures. 

These products have soft bristles which are gentle on braces, mouthguards, and dentures. They’re also inexpensive and readily available in local or online drug stores. 

You can also choose an ultrasonic cleaner available in several houseware stores. The device cleans your appliance by emitting high-frequency vibrations, penetrating to little crevices that brushes can’t fit. 

  • Use Appropriate Dental Products for a Fresh Breath

Cleaning your appliances and mouth are two different but essential tasks. Brush and floss your teeth. For those with no natural teeth, you can still brush your gum ridges and tongue. Use mouthwash frequently for a fresh breath. 

  • Use Hand Soap or Liquid Dish Detergent 

The ordinary household cleaning products are mild on dental appliances. They’re infused with antibacterial agents to keep the oral gadget clean and bacteria-free. You can also use non-abrasive denture cleansers and pastes, which are pretty expensive. After cleaning your appliances, rinse them well. 


The responsibility of cleaning your dental appliances should be non-negotiable. Proper cleaning ensures the longevity and effectiveness of the appliances while keeping your oral health in check. Cleaning your appliances is as crucial as cleaning your teeth. 


Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.