Breast reduction surgery is designed to reduce the size of your breasts to the size you would prefer, resolving many issues you might be experiencing. If you are considering this procedure, you should first contact a good surgeon and have a proper chat.
Why is it done?
After you contact a good doctor who specializes in breast reduction at Breast & Body Clinic, you can learn more about the surgery and why it is done. Some of the many reasons why breast reduction surgery is done, include:
- Chronic back, shoulder and neck pain.
- Irritation on your skin or under your breasts.
- Nerve pain.
- Poor self-image that is related to the size of your breasts.
- Difficulty finding clothes and bras that fit.
- Restricted activity.
A breast reduction surgery can help bring your confidence back
Are you the right candidate?
Before you decide to go through with this procedure, you need to know whether you are the right candidate. Usually, women who smoke are not good for this procedure. If you have certain conditions, like diabetes or problems with your heart, if you are obese, or if you would like to avoid having any scars on your breasts, you might want to reconsider the surgery.
You can have this procedure done usually at any age, sometimes even teenagers are allowed to go through with this procedure. But if your breasts are not fully developed, one could need another one later in life. You should postpone your surgery, if:
– You are planning to give birth. If you go through with breast reduction surgery, you might have difficulty breastfeeding later.
– You are planning to lose weight. In case you would like to lose weight, you should do that beforehand. Losing weight can automatically reduce the size of your breasts, so keep that in mind.
Of course, if you are planning to go through any procedure, you need to know the risks. The breast reduction surgery has the same risks as most of the major surgeries, such as infection, bleeding, reaction to anesthesia. Some other risks include
- Scarring.
- Bruising.
- Loss or removal of sensation in your nipples, or areolas.
- Inability or difficulty breastfeeding.
- Differences in size, symmetry and shape.
Talk to your doctor
Before any sort of procedure, you need to talk to your doctor. Whether you are interested in the effective treatment in breast lift at Breast & Body Clinic or the breast reduction surgery, only your doctor can give you accurate facts when it comes to the procedure, risks and recovery. So make sure to have a proper chat.
There are other types of breast augmentation surgeries
Final word
Your surgeon will also tell you how to properly prepare for the surgery, and make sure to know what to expect before, and after the surgery. Everyone experiences this surgery differently, and it is always better to know what you are getting into before you go through with the procedure.